Measure Book

So many ways to measure things!

Here is my submission for the #areyoubookenough_measure challenge hosted on InstaGram by Sarah Mo (@AreYouBookEnough). 


In addition to creating a book about measure, we were challenged to include some ephemera.  I created an accordion style book by cutting 1 inch strips of book board and cutting a 12 inch ruler down to pieces.  I would say they are 1 inch each but technically they aren't because 'kerf' happens!

 I carved out little sections in the back and covered those with thick cardboard to create a slot to slip the tape measure through.  Then the last challenge was to find 12 items of ephemera that were all no larger than 1 inch.  THAT was the hard part!

Here are the detailed pages for each of the inches:



The materials:  It’s made from recycled book board, measuring tape and ruler, a variety of ephemera cut from vintage books (arithmetic, atlas and music sheets) and miscellaneous items (sewing pattern, architect plans, stamp, coin) all representing measure in some way.  I took come liberties with the "measure of music" and the stamp (because the weight of the letter determines the price of the stamp) and I made the min report card. 

A final fun play with the structure: