Book Art Introduction

Welcome to my book art section!

I began creating unique book art in January 2019 when I joined the AreYouBookEnough Challenge on Instagram.  This is a monthly challenge hosted by Sarah Mo @AreYouBookEnough. 

Each month a new theme is presented and a community of talented artists create book art representing their interpretation of the theme. They go from very simple to highly complex, serious to hilarious, abstract to exact and everything in between.  In fact, In Between was even one of our themes!

Sometimes I'm inspired to create a book based on a great ephemera find.  For example a set of butterfly themed vintage stamps from Australia inspired my mixed media butterfly book.  Another one is the teabag paper book titled Heal, which I created for healing purposes using teabag paper, strings and other media.

Take a look through my pages to see examples of some of the books I created for the AreYouBookEnough monthly challenges, trying new techniques I've read about or through taking classes and other inspiring things! More can be seen on my InstaGram feed @DogeardJournals.